Plugin Details

AuthorRhys Wynne

Display on your site the number of subscribers within a list on the front end of WP Email Capture.

Adds a shortcode to the site allowing you to display anywhere on your site how many subscribers are currently signed up to your newsletter. Useful to provide social proof on how many subscribers are already subscribed to your newsletters.

Please note: Whilst this is compatible with WP Email Capture Premium, it doesn’t work with any external lists.

Installation Instructions

  1. Upload & Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  2. Put [[wp_email_capture_users]] shortcode where you want to display the number of people in your list.
  3. If you have WP Email Capture Premium you can also use the attribute listid to display the number of users in any list. For example, use [[wp_email_capture_users listid="2"]] to display the number of subscribers in list 2. Defaults to the default list.


In our main mailing list that we have [wp_email_capture_users] users subscribed! Join them!



  • First release