Occasionally, you may want your subscribers to interact with you more, rather than just blindly download any freebie on the site that you serve up on your confirmation page. Luckily, this is fairly straightforward to do to any list you run.


I am assuming you have the following already done:-

  • A list set up, with a confirmation page with a link to a freebie download.

1. Remove the Freebie from the Confirmation Page

Quite simple really, remove any freebie from the confirmation page you have set up. If you have multiple lists going into one confirmation page, you may wish to remove the freebie from one confirmation page and complete the steps below for each list, or you may want to create a separate, freebie-link-free confirmation page. It’s entirely your choice.

2. Create and Publish a Separate Page with The Link To the Freebie On It

Go to Pages > Add New and create a new page with a link to the freebie on it. Note down the permalink and click publish.

3. Link to the Page Created in Step 2 in your Autoresponder Email

Rather than auto-generate a link like you would normally do, instead direct link to the freebie download in your Auto Respond Email like the example above. You do this in your chosen list in WP Email Capture > WP Email Capture Lists. Click save and then do a test to make sure it all works fine!

And that’s basically it. Very simple yet remarkably powerful, especially if you are building up multiple lists. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments. Cheers!


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